Monday, March 16, 2009

Ode to Wind

Alternately titled: I Only Put Up With You Because You Let Me Breathe.

While I really do love cycling and all the things that come about with being active in outside, I'd appreciate a certain level of understanding from good ol' Ma Nature. Sure it's fun to be 'challenged' each day in unpredictable ways, and there have been elements of punishment gluttony to my riding (Adam, I'm looking at you), but I think a balance must be struck.

In this case, I'd like to talk to this fine Environmental Matriarch about the way in which winds behave in these parts. In Vancouver when the wind blew it may have blown with force but rarely did it blow outside of a familiar pattern. Onshore during the day, offshore at night. This may not always have been the case but there was certainly a strong positive correlation between day or night and wind direction.

Not so in Kiwi land. Actually today's ride home was on the perplexing side of things. For example, when one rides with a strong wind blowing from their right-hand side, it would be expected that, should the rider make a 90 degree turn to the right that they will be heading into the wind. Today I experienced the strange phenomenon of making that turn and finding the wind blowing from my left, then from dead ahead, gusting from the right and moving back to a head-on orientation.

I'd like my hills and my predictable wind back, please. Mum, can you fit that in a care package if I help with postage?

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